Rise and Rise Again Until Lambs Become Lions

"If you expect the World to be fair with you because y'all are fair, you are fooling yourself.
That's similar expecting the panthera leo not to eat you because yous did not swallow him."

Someone very wise once said "The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows, it's a very mean and nasty place." He also pointed out that life volition vanquish yous up to a pulp, knock you downwards to your knees and will keep you in that location permanently if you let it - no matter how tough you are. But and then again, it's non about how hard you lot hit, it's most how hard yous can get hitting and keep moving forwards.

If yous are thinking about the two fourth dimension earth heavyweight champion, Rocky Balboa, as you read the inspirational words in a higher place, then yous are absolutely right.

Life is so full of possibilities, with all its might and wonders. However, life is not always pretty, nor it is always comfortable. Oftentimes though, life hurts; information technology fifty-fifty breaks your heart. Just that is okay. I believe the journey changes you; in fact, it should change y'all.

In this article, I volition attempt to ellaborate, according to my perspective, how to steer through the tough times and how information technology tin shape us into a wiser, stronger and ameliorate individuals; that if a person is put in an immense pressure, the kind of force per unit area that would either make or interruption oneself. And if by any gamble, a person tin can overcome this hardship, they will become a far more superior person than before - a lamb that has risen as a lion.

1. Cover it. You do need problems in your life... former.

Yes, y'all read that right. To live life, you demand bug. It may sound ridiculous, merely recall about it once again. If you become everything you desire the infinitesimal you desire it, what'southward the signal of living?

Ane of the near fascinating rabbi and acclaimed psychiatrist, the belatedly Dr Abraham Twerski (October six, 1930 – January 31, 2021) used a very beautiful analogy of "how do lobsters grow" in respect to the ways nosotros should bargain with stress. He pointed out that lobsters are soft and mushy creatures that lives within a very rigid trounce that does non expand. As the lobster grow, the beat out becomes very confining, uncomfortable and above all, pressuring the animal. So what do they do? It goes under the rock, protecting itself from other predatory fishes, casts off the shell and produces a new one. Eventually, that shell will become likewise small also, so a lobster volition undergo this procedure several times during its life cycle.

Now here's the most important part. The stimulus for a lobster to grow is that it feels uncomfortable , that information technology was put under a lot of stress and pressure. If lobsters had doctors, everytime they feel uncomfortable, just go to a doctor, gets its medicine, then it would feel fine - only it will never grow. Information technology's imperative to understand that times of stress are likewise a time and signal for growth. Recollect almost it this way, if y'all wish to shine as bright equally the dominicus, first you must burn similar it. Thus, if we face adversities properly, only and then nosotros can grow through adversities. A shine bounding main never fabricated a skilled crewman, afterall.

2. Do Not Compare Yourself with Others. If you do and so, You lot are Insulting Yourself.

Arguably, this is the worst thing that you can do when you are feeling pressured or under a lot of stress. Typically, when we compare ourselves to others, we look at their strengths and focus on our weaknesses, or we focus on their achievements and our lack of achievements. This is not a fair comparing and will oft lead to further doubt and loss of cocky-confidence.

Now, the proper name of the game here is uncomplicated, it's called PERSPECTIVE. Comparisson, in this instance, commonly breeds from the feeling of jealousy/envy. It may be something that has got to do with our own insecurities or simply wanting the things some one else has that you don't.


Yep, you may be envious of someone who are more famous than yous are (a glory, possibly) or a colleague from piece of work who has a higher position than you practise. What we ought to realize is that when you lot are envious of somebody, it comes in a bundle. A celebrity, while they're famous and rich, but hey, they have to pay higher taxation and may not be able to go out in public similar you exercise and very less likely to have a sense of privacy. Your colleague, while they earn more, they got to work the extra hours, does not get to spend much quality fourth dimension with their loved ones, or even they worked so hard information technology's taking its toll on their health - while you my friend, you lot become to play lawn tennis at 6pm after work - talking almost work/life residue here, am I right?

Relax, take it piece of cake. You're doing fine. Remember, if things are going great, they won't last forever. If things are going bad, they won't terminal forever either. Information technology's e'er good to use them who are better than us equally motivation to go the fuel for us to reach our goals. Focus on yourself, your only comparisson is your former self... and yous will be where you need to exist eventually.

3. Y'all're Aroused. Yous should probably be.

The nigh natural response when sailing through the tough times is often anger. Now this anger tin be directed towards anything that causes things don't go your way when yous actually need them to. You could exist angry with the state of affairs, other people around you and most importantly yous are angry with yourself for feeling what you feel. Once again, you read information technology right, you should probably be angry.

Mark Twain once said, "Anger is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured." While this is true to a great extent, it can be argued that betwixt the stimulus (whatever it is that makes yous angry) and your response, at that place is a blank space. In that infinite lies our power to cull our response. Information technology is imperative to empathize that it is virtually impossible to control how we feel when provoked, but nosotros certainly tin control what our reactions are going to be. In my opinion, we have two viable options.

Get-go pick: We can cull not to react at all. The peachy Stoics of our time (especially Seneca and the great Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius) take taught united states of america to RESPOND and not to react. To react is to move on emotions. To respond is to movement on INTELLECT (pretty deep, huh?). Once y'all have realized your stimulus and realize what you tin can and cannot control, you lot will be powerful enough non to give into your emotions. In theory, this is very piece of cake to execute, just in practice, it's then difficult. I have been working on this myself for so many years.

Second option: Utilize your acrimony. Yes, although it may sound a lot similar a line that The Emperor Palpatine from Star Wars would say. All the same, you tin actually use your acrimony to your advantage. Anger actually also signals a realization that something has got to change in your life for the better. Accept anger as your powerful ally and information technology will help yous. Allow it to overwhelm you and it shall be your demise.

Now let's assume that acrimony is our weapon. Kratos (pictured beneath with his son, Atreus) from the critically acclaimmed God of War game franchise in one case shared his wisdom regarding this. He said to Atreus, "The power of this weapon, any weapon... comes from here (points at his son's heart) ... but simply when tempered by this (points at his son's head) . By the field of study, the cocky-control of the one who wields it... that is where the true forcefulness of a warrior lies."

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It is truly amazing how the corporeality of life lesson you can acquire from a video game, isn't it?


In the end, it is imperative to sympathize that stress, tough times and everything that could go wrong can go wrong at any given fourth dimension, especially at present. Dread information technology, run from it, they volition arrive nonetheless (Yes, Thanos said similar thing). Nevertheless, with the correct mindset, one can e'er view it as a sign to grow, to become out from your comfort zone or fifty-fifty better, to aggrandize that zone. You will never appreciate the good times if you have not experienced the bad ones.

Subsequently, whether you retrieve you are doing worse off or better than anyone else around you, you are most probably right. It'south a affair of perspective. Life is a matter of pick and everything has its consequences. This is the law of opportunity cost. Remember, there is that x gene that yous need to sacrifice (whether it'southward money, fourth dimension, attention, energy or anything) to accept what the other guy have - and vice versa for the other guy if he wants what yous have.

And finally, it is vital to recall that we cannot control how nosotros experience - but we can always choose how to reply, to move based on your intellect, not your emotion. Acrimony, when tempered by self-field of study and self-control will become a powerful ally, so befriend information technology and use it wisely.

If you are reading up to this indicate, you are all prepared.

Now ascent.

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Source: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/rise-again-until-lambs-become-lions-kevin-kurnia?trk=pulse-article_more-articles_related-content-card

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